Thursday, May 26, 2011

So I know if you're a regular reader of this blog, you'll wonder where my gleelog(that's what I'm calling them now) for the season finale is. It is coming... for some reason I couldn't get on here during it but I did watch it! We're going to try the whole watch it on hulu thing again.... but that will be this weekend. Right now I wanna talk about some other stuff.
 Today I realized that it's the 26th of May.... my 19th birthday is in two and a half months.... you can only imagine the thoughts that started running through my mind... like what have I done with my life so far(which is school and work... yay. :|) then it made me feel really old.... which to a human standard... I'm not. But if you think about everything else in this world and how long they last (other than buildings and nature and stuff like that) not a lot of things make it to 19 years... then I thought about 19 years ago.... May 1992... where were you then.... I wasn't actually born yet.... so I can't tell you what I was doing... and if your one of my friends you might not have even been conceived yet... unless your Kate... who was alive and getting ready to turn a year old.... I'm getting off track...
I guess I just started thinking about how old I really am... I'm 19... and I need to start being more of an adult.... But being an adult doesn't mean I have to grow up... because let's be honest... My mother is 50 and she still hasn't grown up.... So I am NEVER going to grow up...
And come September, my mom is moving in with her boyfriend and I'm not going... So I need to learn to be an adult here pretty fast.... while still being able to be a child at heart... I think I can accomplish this goal... but it's not going to be easy... plus I have to start paying bills and taxes... >P yuck! I guess I'm going to have to leave you guys with this video which I have specifically picked just to go along with this... I think when you watch it you'll understand....