Monday, September 19, 2011

Evry day im tumblrin

Hello there so i realize that i haven't posted in about two days and there really is a reason. Its because tomorrow is GLEE!!! and if you're new to this blog your probably wondering what glee has to do with anything. Well i blog during glee.... it's kinda a thing that i started last season with this blog and this year is said to be exciting.... and ryan murphy has been said to have said their will be less music and more polt.... not sure i'm a huge fan of that.
 (What are you doing to my favorite show that isn't from the sixties?)

Any how, My Little Pony has started up season two (ponies, i watch ponies now, ponies are cool)
 and I ABLOUTLY FEAKING LOVE ME!!!!!(my freinds and us have desginated ponies and i'm princess celestia.... or TROLLESTIA!!!!) 
okay i'm going to just stop before i get anything else off of tumblr and put it on here. (yes i has tumblr link tumblr