Tuesday, October 4, 2011

glee-log: Asian F

what the f will! oh emma.... this is typical you.... that's what mike's dad.... uhh..... gasp!!!!!! Don't punish tina!!!! oh poor mike....aww... i like how their randomly singing background vocals and it's just kinda mercedes oh never mind.... i find it ironic that she used to dance for beyonce and now she's preforming one of her songs... and rocking it. kurt needs to up the stakes..... *teary eyed* oh mike.... don't listen to your dad!!!!! DANCING ISNOT A WASTE!!!!! IS HE GOING TO SING!!!! * a little part in me just awoke* i loved you before.... and now IFREAKINGADOREYOUMIKECHANG!!!!!!!!! *giant and problly really stupid looking smile* and after mike makeing me want to cry, a comercial for the lion king had to come on.... WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!! oh finally darren and chris... aww.... best gay couple ever!!!!! whoa.... this is like legit musical number... what is this frome... HE'S SINGING AGAIN!!!!!!! mercedes out of the glee club? did not see this... oh so we see both parents...... I LIKE HIS MOM!!!!! i think finn was more excited about that then rachel. i'm still crying about mike's scene with his mom...this song is amazing... and they both do it amazingly.... what is rachel talking to beist about... uh oh... and her parents are here... oh boy.... ginger lovers.... awesome... GASP!!!!!!!! RAHCEL!!!!!!! HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!! THIS EPISODE AND MARIA IS....................... HUH......this is the best episode of glee... EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

gleecap: I am Unicorn

artie's directing the musical..... IDINA MENZEL. sorry will.... Shelby's choir will win....  that is the one phrase that i never would come out of kurt's mouth. ouch quinn.... did you go to college to learn to be that bitchy? i love ya but come on! here comes the situasian..... darren needs to show off his ass a bit more in those sweats. wow 18 times really shelby? is that the only role you've ever had or are you that old? SHE SINGS!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! i must say when picking who would be rachel's mom they couldn't pick a better choice... not saying that just because i love idina menzel either btw, they just look like they could be related and their voices blend so well.. oh you told her will... oh....*wimper* puck.... choaking on my apple.... *Cough cough hack* wait aren't you supposed to  audition with songs from the actual musical... even though this is freaking amazing and chris colfer is a freaking monkey! i didn't think i could love him anymore than i did.... but he just proved me wrong. I LOVE YOU!!!!

Kurt you sly dog listening in while they decide parts.... that is so wrong and i would totally cop you out if i could. what the hell are you thinking kurt... santana what did you do? oh my god... oh my god.... romeo and juliet.... i'm sorry kurt just no..... that does not work... shoot sugar... quinn... oh god i can't resist crying....  the amazing advice of burt humml quit being epic situasian. I BELIEVE IN YOU FINN!!!! WHOA WHO WAS..... blonde quinn.... how did she get the pink out... YAY!!!! THE.... wha... wait.... YOU DIDN'T FREAKING CHANGE!!!! THE ARTS ARE LIKE CRACK.... THEN I AM A COMPLETE ADDICT. WHA BRITTNEY IS RUNNING FOR CLASS..... DARREN!!!!! YOU ARE SO DAMN SEXY.... HE HAS QUITE LITTERALLY BROUGHT ME TO TEARS.... I SWEAR  TO GOD I'M CRYING....GASSP WHY WOULD YOU END THE FREAKING EPISODE LIKE THAT.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

GleeLog: The Purple Piano Project +The New Girl and Raising Hope

GLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wait.... tina is a year behind everyone else? oh finn... first slushy of the year. OH MY GOD PURPLE PIANO.... PINK PIANO...PIANOS!!!!!! WHA!!!!!!! no juliard. that was extremely offensive. BLAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  they are so freaking adorable!!!!  i want a boyfrind like both of them... oh my quinn... oh rachel... makes a good point. uh........ what..... sue..... what..... whoa... will, just going a bit to far there.... macaroni hair? how the hell does that help?  NO SANTANA!!!!! DON'T FOLLOW ANAKIN'S PATH!!!!!! DON'T JOIN THE SITH.... i mean sue... MUSICAL NUMBER!!!!!!!!!  love tina's dress btw... new guitar player? you... oh god food fight.... i always wanted to be in one.... lol rachel's face... oh my god...  oh my god... make it stop....MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!MAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOP.......... it stopped.... i love the beast. and what is this counter offense? i love rachel and kurt... mainly kurt.... but both..... but mainly kurt. this number just makes me smile so much!!!! glitter bombed..... steeve!!!!!!!!!! GAAAASSSSPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BBBBBLLLLLAAAAAIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWWWWWW......... BEST SONG EVER!!!!!!! I LOVES YOU DARREN CRISS!!!!!!!! AND YOUR SEXY RED PANT AND YELLOW SHADES AND BOWTIE..... AND YOUR VOICE AND BASICALLY ANYTHING ELSE THAT MAY BE ON YOUR BODDY PIANO ON FIRE???  NEW MUPPETS MOVIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!! AND AMY ADAMS AND JASON SEGAL!!!!!!!! this girl reminds me intensely of my friend abby.... oh kurt and rachel..... KURT WHY MUST YOU BE GAY!!!!! YOU WOULD BE THE BEST STRAIGHT GUY!!!!! whoa.... emma.... good job....  oh finn is not happy... oh i had a feeling this would one day happen to santana... as always rachel? since when have you and mr schu ever been on the same thought wave? can we look back to season one???  I'M SO HAPPY.... HAIRSPRAY IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MUSICALS EVER..... AND THIS REALLY IS THE BEST SONG FROM IT.... IT'S JUST SO EPIC CAUSE IT TAKES SO MUCH TO PREFORM..... TIME FOR NEW GIRL!!!!

 oh boy this show is already amazing.... and it's jus beginning....oh my god i love her already... douche bag jar.... this show is amazing..... LORD OF THE RINGS REFERENCE..... I FREAKING LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!! She is my new role model... wait... isn't that her room mate? what the hell... oh no it's not.... love this show.... hey she got picked up!!!!!  i loved this show.... okay why do i feel like this guy is the only one that puts money in the jar... yes... go schmit!... was that miley cyrus....  aww.... yes breaking out into song in restaurants.... i love this show.

RAISING HOPE!!!!!!!!!  I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!  lol... how does he not remember playing and singing like that? of greyson chance.... you work so well as younger jimmy..... GASP!!!!!! HOW COULD YOU THROW A GOLF CLUB AT GREYSON CHANCE!!!!!  there is just nothing else i can say other than i just love this!!!! idky but i never really have much input with raising hope... i adore maw maw.... gasp it was burt's fault!?!?!?! best thing you're great at... he got his singing back!!!!! is that his real singing.... THEY UNLOCKED IT!!!!!!...... or not..... why are other people filming i love this show so much.... why must greyson chance have to be so epic? okay... show then bed time...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Evry day im tumblrin

Hello there so i realize that i haven't posted in about two days and there really is a reason. Its because tomorrow is GLEE!!! and if you're new to this blog your probably wondering what glee has to do with anything. Well i blog during glee.... it's kinda a thing that i started last season with this blog and this year is said to be exciting.... and ryan murphy has been said to have said their will be less music and more polt.... not sure i'm a huge fan of that.
 (What are you doing to my favorite show that isn't from the sixties?)

Any how, My Little Pony has started up season two (ponies, i watch ponies now, ponies are cool)
 and I ABLOUTLY FEAKING LOVE ME!!!!!(my freinds and us have desginated ponies and i'm princess celestia.... or TROLLESTIA!!!!) 
okay i'm going to just stop before i get anything else off of tumblr and put it on here. (yes i has tumblr link tumblr

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Don't ask why i have a gif of faramir... he's just sexy okay!

Hey! I totally did not plan on blogging today, but I figured since i wasn't doing anything else I might as well. So today was equally as bad as yesterday in work standards. I don't really know how to quite explain it other than it's just the same crap it always is. Other than that, today was pretty uneventful. I came home, cleaned out my car, went to dinner with my mom.... and now i'm home and just checking up on the interwebs... a pretty boring day. Oh but I did discover that some time soon, I need to take my car in to get stuff checked out... again. Something is leaking and my mom can't figure out what it is. So I don't know when i'll be able to do so, but I need to take it in... yay.

So pretty soon here i'm going to be moving... not houses. But bedrooms. My mom is moving out and I'm going into her room. One thing i'm really excited for is the closet space i'll have... omg i have like no closet space at all! but now i actually kinda worry that i'll have too much space. Because what i have now, everything fits in it .... but it's just kinda crammed together... i guess if i have too much space i can utilize it in other ways. but also the room itself is bigger and i'll have more room in general to live and such. like seriously i think with my futon in bed position, i have about 7 feet by  3 or 4 feet of free space in my bedroom... not that much i must say.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life and such and such....

Oh hai.... umm.... so i know i haven't posted a blog since... god knows when but i'm going to be doing so more often and spending less time on making music video type stuff for youtube... i'm also trying to start doing vlogs more often as well. i need to make a new start very very soon... this direction on which i'm headed now, is NOT the way i want to go.... at all.

Lately work has just not been going so well. I've just been waking up every single day, wishing that i could just go back to sleep. but then 6:50 rolls around and then i force myself out of bed. and then force myself to drive 45 minutes into livonia to go work in houses. and I HATE IT! i don't want to clean homes that for real, either don't need cleaning or the people are just too god damn lazy to do it themselves. and my partner gets angry with me way too often. for making little mistakes every now and again... and the office.... is full of complete idiots! i'm sure that the women working there are very nice, but they do not know how to run that office... just today we were trying to find a house and it took us an hour because they gave us the wrong map! all in all i need a new job pronto....

Like I said, I've started doing more vlogs. And that's really because, I want to be a youtube professionally. And I just need to get started somewhere... so far I only have two videos in general and their really not that good.... i mean the second one took me about an hour and a half just to film it... mainly because i have four different characters in it and i kept missing part of my head in one shot of it. But I hope that one day i can quit molly maid and get maybe just a part time job and make money off of youtube and one day maybe even just depend on that entirely. That would be a dream come true. but to get to that point i need to first have people watching my videos.... which means i need to get people interested. and to do that i need to be interesting... you all have no clue how boring i really am... I mean for all the stuff i'm into you would never expect me to be so boring. i guess i could talk about ponies and thundercats... that would be fun.... except i don't get the hub... that kinda sucks... um.... hmm... maybe for now just thundercats.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

So I know if you're a regular reader of this blog, you'll wonder where my gleelog(that's what I'm calling them now) for the season finale is. It is coming... for some reason I couldn't get on here during it but I did watch it! We're going to try the whole watch it on hulu thing again.... but that will be this weekend. Right now I wanna talk about some other stuff.
 Today I realized that it's the 26th of May.... my 19th birthday is in two and a half months.... you can only imagine the thoughts that started running through my mind... like what have I done with my life so far(which is school and work... yay. :|) then it made me feel really old.... which to a human standard... I'm not. But if you think about everything else in this world and how long they last (other than buildings and nature and stuff like that) not a lot of things make it to 19 years... then I thought about 19 years ago.... May 1992... where were you then.... I wasn't actually born yet.... so I can't tell you what I was doing... and if your one of my friends you might not have even been conceived yet... unless your Kate... who was alive and getting ready to turn a year old.... I'm getting off track...
I guess I just started thinking about how old I really am... I'm 19... and I need to start being more of an adult.... But being an adult doesn't mean I have to grow up... because let's be honest... My mother is 50 and she still hasn't grown up.... So I am NEVER going to grow up...
And come September, my mom is moving in with her boyfriend and I'm not going... So I need to learn to be an adult here pretty fast.... while still being able to be a child at heart... I think I can accomplish this goal... but it's not going to be easy... plus I have to start paying bills and taxes... >P yuck! I guess I'm going to have to leave you guys with this video which I have specifically picked just to go along with this... I think when you watch it you'll understand....