Saturday, April 30, 2011

my take on the royal wedding.

so remember how i said i was going to wake up at three in the morning to watch the royal wedding? yeah... didn't happen. i did wake up, but i couldn't stay awake, so i just didn't. i did however watch kate walk down the isle and the vow and the precession back to buckingham palace. (2/3 which were extremely boring....) and kate's dress was beautiful.... and will so didn't have the reaction i expected him to have... but harry did! he did exactly what i thought he was gonna do when he saw her. he saw her before will, and he turned to will and said something along the lines of either "she's beautiful" or "she's coming" my lip reading skills are really bad. and can i just say.... the vows were the first time EVER that i have heard kate speak. seriously. but all in all i'm not disappointed i watched it... just a little bummed it wasn't what i expected.  next is my wedding... to prince harry!..... okay maybe i'm just dreaming.... but i'm allowed to! so umm yeah i found a video of the happy couple's kinda first kiss... can't be too sure it was but, it's were the darrin criss video was... and there is a lot of them waving and will talking to one of the flower girls... which just adorable! so go watch it, it's fun to add your own commentary!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Royaly Annoyed! And yet not really.

have you had enough of the royal wedding? are you ready for it to be saturday already? well let me tell you... i'm kinda feeling that... even though i would like to say i am going to be waking up at 3 in the morning just to watch it online.... just so i can say i watched it when it happened... and it will be something i'll remember the rest of my life! but you know what.... i'd be a little more interested and probably like all the other prince fan girls if it was harry getting married... just because he's the one i like... and really by now kate and william are basically married... they just need to make it official... but i'd like to see what kind of girl harry gets married to... because i'm sure she'll be the complete opposite of kate... but that's cool. in my opinion, the royals need some shaking up... something a little bit out of the norm... if ya know what i mean. well that's all. if i'm going to be up at 3 in the morning on friday, i should get to bed now... otherwise i'll be tired and not want to get up and end up missing something... kay night guys!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

don't ever get vivitar cameras.... they suck!

so i mad the stupidest purchase ever yesterday... it was a flip cam wanna be... i shoulda just bought a flip cam..... life would have been a lot better and i wouldn't have to walk around with this stupid thing... i still may buy one... in fact i'm gonna check my account and probably do so.. and then go on an adventure in hamburg/pickney. ok gonna go make my self public worthy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the hippie movement in a closet.

so if you haven't noticed yet, i've given up hope on beda... but i shall redeem myself this august with vlog every day in august! its gonna happen... so yeah... i'm really not up to much... just kinda sitting at home, in a little discomfort because mother nature decided after two months that this week was the week she was going to hate me... guess how i'm not going to find out i'm pregnant! when i miss a period.... because i'm sure the other symptoms will kick in before i realize that it's been like four months since my last period... just saying... i can go like three normally.... that can't be healthy.... anyways.... moving on swiftly... sitting at home waiting for a twelve minute vlog to upload... but don't worry it's not all me talking... speaking of swift... did you know taylor swift is from pennsylvania? did you know i can spell pennsylvania? because until like two days ago... i didn't... oh well... i can't name all the states... or the presidents... because i'm awesome and really..... why do i need to know all the names of all the presidents? how am i going to advance in life knowing that? and i mean like normal day to day life? so this weekend, i bought the sims 3 and kinda overdid it... and right now i should really be balancing my check book... but i'm to pre-occupied with this video that is taking forever to upload... life can really suck sometimes... oh something else of interest that happened to me this weekend... i had a dream about micky dolenz... it went something like this...
katie, claire and i all really wanted to time travel, so we all made deals with the devil and he gave us the power to time travel with one warning that we weren't to get involved in the times we went to in any way at all. so the first place i visit is l.a. in the late 60's, because i want to experience the hippie movement, but because i'm new at it, i don't really know where i send myself and i end up in micky dolenz hallway closet... when he opens the door and i fall out. so then he questions why i'm in his closet and i tell him i don't know, and ask him where i am and he tells me everything i need to know, like the date and the location. but the he want's to take me to get something to eat. so i let him and we grow close and fall in love. but of course the devil finds out and tries to pull us apart and we escape for a little while until he finally  catches us. then he tells me that i will either go back to my time, keep my power and never see micky again, or he'll take me back to hell with him and either way he was going to erase me from micky's memory. but micky, wouldn't have that so he made a deal that if he could keep his memory of me and i could still have my freedom, that he would pledge his soul to the devil. of course not knowing that the devil had plans to take him then and there. so then katie claire and i go on a rescue mission. and we find him and then prove to the devil that he will never be stronger than love and that we don't need him to time travel after all. and then i become mrs. micky dolenz and we live happily ever after. the end...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!..... fine i will....

okay you may kill me... after you read this blog... because i'm going to indulge you all i something very life changing. I'm going to do a review on the movie Head. head is a movie from 1968 and it's based off of the monkees tv show. so if that doesn't explain it right there then i'm not sure you really should be reading this... so the movie starts out with the grand opening of a new bridge and just as the mayor is about to cut the ribbon, here comes mickey running through, followed by peter, davey and mike.  they run down the bridge, mickey not looking back for a second. then he runs up to the edge of the bridge and takes of his jacket. then, you guessed it... he jumps and then falls for way too long and drops safely into the water and plays with some mermaids while the editors decide to use stereo typical 60's color effects... you know the kind that make you feel like your on an acid trip. then he goes up for air, but one of the mermaids wants to make out with him... no wait that's not a mermaid, that's just a pretty girl. she gets up and walks over to mike and wait... what? starts making out with him?... and now peter... and of course davey... and the window flies open and there's birds and a chorus in the background... but really why would you make out with four different guys... oh... they wanted her opinion on who was the best.. even!?!? i'm pretty sure mike won that one... and you have to give davey credit for creativeness... oh what's mike asking her now... oh... something he can't say in a movie made in the 60's. and what's this she laughs and walks away?!?!? if mike nesmith asked me to do something with him that you couldn't do in movies in the 60's i'd be ripin off clothing... well just as long as it was just him i was doing something that you couldn't do in movies in the 60's with. and what's this... oh someone did a review video on it... and they basically have the same opinion as me!?!?!?! YAY!!! I WON'T GET CARPLE TUNNLE!  here's the links
video 1:
video 2:

enjoy and i do recomend watching this movie btw.. i would say..... *****/5

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heil Zazu!

today has been a long day... first i got to work late... well not really late but considering we had a staff meeting that no one cared to tell me about and i walked in about halfway through.... yeah i was late... and then our first house was out in auburn hills... and seriously the stupid fucking gps took us the longest fucking route you could possibly take from livonia.... and with morning traffic, it was horrible... plus i'm not used to driving on the highways i was driving on so it was confusing... urgh... and then all three of our houses were like a half hour apart each and then they all took at least an hour and a half to clean... and right about now i feel like putting a bullet through my head... don't worry i won't... i just feel like it... and now we're watching conviction which is that one hillary swank movie were she becomes a lawyer to get her brother out of prison.... and I just can't wait to be king form the lion king just came on... and it's the german version.... c= life kinda just got brighter... in my opinion zazu sounds like hitler... maybe it's just cause he yells the entire song, but i'm pretty sure zazu is hitler... just saying... oh! and i have developed a school girl crush on a guy in my neighborhood... i don't know his name but i know he knows how to work on cars, he ass looks really good in jeans and he looks like Peter Tork.... with a little bit of chris cranick... oh... umm... these two guys... yes thats who he looked like... more peter tork( the blondeish one) but just a tad bit of chris.... so any ways... really hope chris doesn't ever read my blog cause he'd deffly be a bit creeped out that i had his facebook profile picture in here so lets head out now.... kay bye

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Michael Nesmith.... a "short" biography

so just have to say... i kinda feel epic... just because the score from the battle scene in lion, witch and the wardrobe is on... epic nerf sword fight must be made.... just saying.... so any ways... since yesterday all i really talked about was mike nesmith, lets talk about him some more! biography time!!!!!!... okay so that's not really a thing but here it goes! (have fun! c=)

I just really found this picture amusing.
Nesmith was born at St. Joseph's Hospital in HoustonHarris County, Texas in 1942.[1] He was an only child; his parents, Warren Audrey Nesmith and Bette Nesmith Graham, divorced when their son was four. He and his mother moved to Dallas, Texas to be closer to her parents, sister, aunts and grandmother. Bette took temporary jobs ranging from clerical work to graphics design, and developed very good secretarial skills, including shorthand, and, auspiciously, touch typing. When Nesmith was 13 his mother invented a typewriter correction fluid later known commercially as Liquid Paper. Over the next 25 years she and a select group of executives would build the Liquid Paper Corporation into a multimillion dollar international company which she finally sold to Gillette in 1980 for 48 million USD. She died a few months later at age 56.
In 1949 Nesmith, at the age of six, was enrolled in the Dallas public school system. An indifferent student, he nevertheless participated in choral and drama activities during his years at Thomas Jefferson High School in Dallas.[2] He began to write verse poetry. When he was 15 he enrolled in the Dallas Theater Center teen program, where he was featured in several plays.
Before graduating from high school, Nesmith enlisted in the US Air Force in 1960. He completed basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, was trained as an aircraft mechanic at Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas, and then permanently stationed at a Strategic Air Command base near Elk City, Oklahoma. While in the Air Force, Nesmith obtained a G.E.D. and was discharged under honorable conditions in 1962. He enrolled in San Antonio College, a community college in San Antonio where he met John Kuehne (later to be known as John London) and began a musical collaboration. The duo won the first San Antonio College talent award performing a mixture of standard folk songs and a few of Nesmith's original songs. He met another SAC student, Phyllis Ann Barbour, whom he later married.
So Pensive.... I like it! =P
While in college Nesmith began to write more songs and poetry and after his marriage to Phyllis in 1963 the two of them decided to strike out for Los Angeles so Nesmith could pursue his songwriting and singing career. At the time Phyllis was pregnant with their first child ChristianDuVal. Nesmith began singing in folk clubs around Los Angeles and had one notable job as the "Hootmaster" for the Monday nighthootenannys at The Troubadour, a West Hollywood night club that featured new artists. Here Nesmith met, socialized, and performed with many different members of the burgeoning new music scene in LA. Randy Sparks of New Christy Minstrels fame offered Nesmith a publishing deal for his songs. It was while working at this publishing house that Barry Friedman, also known as the Rev. Frazier Mohawk, brought the ad for Monkees auditions to Nesmith's attention. In 1965 Nesmith landed the role in the Monkees pilot, which was filmed in October 1965.
I felt there needed to be a picture of him with
a guitar...
When the Monkees show ended in 1968, Nesmith enrolled part time in UCLA and studied American History and Music History. Michael and Phyllis's second son, Jonathan, was born in February 1968. Nesmith's third son, Jason, was born in August 1968 to Nurit Wilde, who he met while working on the Monkees.[3] In 1969 Nesmith formed the group First National Band with Kuehne, John Ware and Red Rhodes. Nesmith wrote most of the songs for the band including a single titled "Joanne" that received some airplay and was a mild chart hit for seven weeks during 1970, rising to number 21 on the Billboard Top 40.[4] The First National Band has been credited with being among the pioneers of country-rock music.[5]
Phyllis's third child, and Nesmith's fourth, daughter Jessica, was born in September 1970. Circa 1972, Nesmith started the record label Countryside Records with Jac Holzman, the founder of Elektra Records. Also, in 1972, Nesmith and Phyllis were divorced and he moved to Carmel, California. Phyllis (Barbour) Nesmith died on February 13, 2010 of complications from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at age 63. In 1974, Nesmith started Pacific Arts Records and released what he called "a book with a soundtrack" entitled "The Prison" as the company's first release. In 1976, he married Kathryn Bild. In 1988, following the ending of this second marriage, he returned to Los Angeles where he had met Victoria Kennedy. They moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1992 and then returned to Carmel, California in 2000. They were married in April 2000 in Monterey, California. (all of this is off of wikipedia.... so there could be some wrong things...)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


so... this is the time in the blog where i start giving you my random thoughts on this weeks episode of glee... but the problem is... it's a repeat... AGAIN!!!! i don't know how much more of this i can take! and to make matters worse i've watched every episode of the monkees thats on youtube and now i don't know what i can do! i guess i could always watch their tv movie... if i can find it. or i can just look at pictures of mike nesmith and fawn over his incredibly sexy sideburns... you know i never thought i'd be able to ever say i'm attracted to a guy with sideburns... i guess it's because sideburns aren't really in  right now and they really haven't been my entire life so... it's weird... but then again i've always been convinced i was born into the wrong generation. *sigh...* so yes... no glee thoughts but alot of thoughts about mike nesmith... again... geez... you guys are probably getting sick of me crushing on him... and i just said that line in my head... in his voice... it sounded really good when he said it. any ways... i'm going to go look up that movie now... kay by!

work sucks, but little boys with femme products are cool!

so today my partner and i basically got screwed and stuff... we had two houses both under $70 (which is the base cost for a cleaning) so really, i wasn't happy.... i mean because of the fact that i got home around 1:40 on a day i didn't even want to wake up, yeah that was nice, but not getting a good amount of money, yeah not to nice... gah! oh well i'm home now... i've got some french bread azzip in the oven and glee is on tonight... and i will blog my thoughts during. oh! i have to tell you! i went to target today to get some cat food and litter and a couple sports bras and workout pants which i'll probably never workout in... ever... and as i was walking out, there was this little boy in between the sets of doors and he was playing with a tampon... i don't know why this made my day, but it did. i really hope my kids are that easy to amuse, it will make parenthood so much easier for me... but maybe a bit hard to explain to my son when he's older that those aren't for boys their just for girls. any ways i'm going to go now just because i'm doing my glee thing tonight.... oh i didn't put a picture of video or anything! so here's mike nesmith... again... i just thought this was a cute picture of him!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I accept my punishment like now...

i really suck at this blog everyday in April stuff... in my defense i was distracted by these four guys... okay well mainly this one... that would be mike nesmith if you didn't know... and next to George Harrison.... yeah.... he's my backwards petifile crush... basically meaning i have a huge crush on him but he's like 50 years older than me... no really... he was born in 1942... at least he's alive and you can't say i'm an aspiring necrophiliac with him... unlike george.... ummm.... anyways.... this blog has turned really awkward..... but you'll never guess what i find most attractive about mike... or at least about his appearance.... his side burns.... yes... i'm completely serious.... their sexy.... not to mention his texan accent and his folky singing voice... and there's just this aura i get from him... yes i get auras with out meeting the person... but like you'd have known that i haven't met him... any ways... that's the reason i didn't blog yesterday and i fully except any punishment which i'll do in video form and post to youtube and then link on here... so yeah.... umm... what else can i really talk about with out going into details about my crush on mike nesmith.... so yeah..... we're just going to stop now... plus i actually have a vlog that i need to finish editing... so i'm going to go finish that and maybe get started on another video... kay bye!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rock 'em Sock 'em sleepover

so guess what.... i did find time to blog at the party. curretly we're sitting in claire's basment with the lights off.... and we're skyping claire's college freinds and claire's brother and brother's freind are making randomness... oh boy this is really fun! and random... so far we've drank something that we randomly made, we've whatched a mary-kate and ashley video slowed down and reversed. that's the link just for your entertainment. so yeah... i'm gonna head off now... enjoy that video and dana's reaction will be on youtube eventually... and then we shall have something more to talk about. 'kay bye!!!

sleepyness is stupid

So its like 9 am and i know that the day hasn't really started yet but i need to blog now because later tonight   when i would normally blog, i'll be at claire winn's house at a total awesome sleepover including katie curtis, dana saunders and possibly kaitlin suchoweskey! (i hope i spelt her name right) but anyways i'm in for a night chalk full of epic adventure, dangerous missions and caffeinated virgin cosmopolitans! so even though i plan on taking mikey with me to claire's house, i won't have time to blog or anything so here's all that. today's other activities include, going to target right after they opened and buying milk and something to wear tonight, but forgetting that we needed garbage bags.... taking a shower getting more of my music transfered.... and maybe someother stuff. idk though.... we'll see what else happens. ok i need to get back to tranfering music.

Friday, April 8, 2011

i fail at life

so i know i haven't posted in two days and all i can say is i'm sorry... i just really didn't feel like dealing with lappy mc'failsuck...BUT IT CHANGES!!!!! from now on i will be using lappy mikey mc'lovin.... my macbook pro! I GOT ONE I KNOW IT'S EXCITING!!!!!! so there's basiclly nothing else to talk about... but if you want me to do a challenge of sorts because i missed two days, comment it and i'll post it to my youtube channel. 'k bye!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

need to get my head out of my ass...

so i realized something today.... i hate my job... and by this time next year i would really like to ya kno... not be in it... i'd kinda like my youtube career to take off within like a month or two... which really means i need to get my ass in gear and start pumping out some good videos that people will actually like... i may have to do some research.... see some of my fave's first videos and get insperation... also if i'm going to be a sucessful youtube musician... i need to get some music... and probably improve a bit on my talent.... oh boy do i have some work to do... i also need to stop being so damn shy on camera... and more like the real me that i know and well katie and katie... actually you don't even know the real real me... i'm shy even around you... and i need to stop that... in genral... so what am i going to do? stop making videos like this and more videos like this(just go in the order i put them....)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cooler Than Me In My Head

Some dudes know all the right things to say. When it comes down to it, it’s all just game. Instead of talking let me demonstrate. Yeah. Get down to business and skip foreplay. In my head, I see you all over me. In my head, you fulfill my fantasy. You’ll be screaming out. In my head, it’s going down. Come on. Ay-oh. Ay-oh. You singing to me baby in my head right now. Just leave with me now, Say the word and we’ll go. We can go. I’ll be your teacher. I’ll show you the ropes.

If I could write you a song to make you fall in love I would already have you up under my arm I used up all of my tricks, I hope that you like this But you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me You got designer shades just to hide your face and You wear 'em around like you're cooler than me And you never say "hey" or remember my name And it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me You got your high brow shoes on your feet
And you wear 'em around like it ain't shit But you don't know the way that you look When your steps make that much noise Shh, see I got you all figured out You need every one's eyes just to feel seen
Behind your make up nobody knows who you even are Who do you think that you are?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

There you go Messin' with my mind I am usually better when I lie There i Go Stuck inside a shell And you're living on the other side A lovers carousel If you only Knew Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I lose control When I hear your body move Through the walls In the next room Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I lose control When I hear your body move And I'm dying to break through To the next room You make love to everything you touch It's a Natural reaction It's a sensual attraction You play me like I am made of strings I'm the violin, A melody I want your lips to sing If you only knew How hard it is to handle How bad I want a scandal Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I lose control When I hear your body move Through the walls in the next roomOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I lose control When I hear your Body move And I'm dying to break through To the next room Tell me 'my world revolves Around you' Tell me 'boy I can't live without you' Tell me 'you're losing sleep tonight' Cuz I'll tell you straight I'll never wait I won't take No no no no no no no no Oh I lose control When I hear your body move When I hear your body move Ohhhoohhhhhh My heart You stole Every time your body moves I'm just dying to break through To the next room

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Darren Criss Is The Animal Inside Of You And You Know It!

so right now before we get started with april 2nd, i was listening to the across the universe version of hey jude and you know the part where joe anderson screams? well whilst listening to this song i was looking through pictures of darren criss (idky?) and i clicked for the next picture and this  came up at that part of the song.... not even kidding it made my day so much better... any ways today hasn't really been all too intresting. I mean i continued my search for a record player to no avail and then made a vlog which i have yet to edit... oh i bought a darren criss t-shirt and poster... which i'm excited for!!! so yeah really not much to talk about today... but this beda thing doesn't say how long the blogs have to be every day so really this is good... i mean there's a really good picture of darren criss in this so i think that that's all it needs... so yeah.... what am i  going to title this.... something that's going to make you have to read it... and having to do with darren criss... hmmm..... okay i've got it! So as soon as my sister leaves for work i'm going to go get a pizza... just for me! I'd have already gone, but as I was getting ready earlier she called and asked if i wanted any thing from arby's, which i hate, and I didn't wanna be all like 'no but i'm gonna go get a pizza and eat it by myself and you can't have any of it... so i guess i need to just wait till she's gone and go get pizza... and maybe some arizona iced tea... or root beer... a whole two litter that i'll down in one night... yes i do get how unheathly all of this sounds... and right now... no i don't really care... I'm in that kind of a mood where I just want what I want when I want it... so back to Arby's... I worked there for four days after high school... and it was the worst four days of my life... every day i came home i felt like i had jumped into a vat of oil and i smelled like french fries... not something i want to smell like ya know... and then on my last day i made two mistakes at the registar.... mind you this was only my fourth day and they never even trained me... and the manager pulled me aside and told me that it wasn't working and that fast food wasn't for everyone and that he'd give me a good refrence if i needed it... first off... I WORKED THERE FOR FOUR FUCKING DAYS! YOU NEVER FUCKING TRAINED ME!!! AND YOU WONDER WHY IT'S NOT WORKING?!?!? secondly... WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT YOU'RE REFRENCE WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY WORK ETHIC?!?!?!?! basicly i've never once put that down on any of my job appications since i've worked there... I refuse to adimit that it was a job... but at least they weren't like the chinese restuant.... who payed me cash for my two days of working there... and they didn't even pay me the right amount. i worked nine hours at minimun wage and they paid me twenty bucks... really i'm pretty sure that's not right... wow... i love how i started off saying this wasn't going to be long... and now it's pretty long...

Friday, April 1, 2011


So I'm taking apart of something called blog(or vlog) everyday in april... or BEDA(VEDA) and as the title entitles... i have to blog every day in april.... so not much more i can say... except that... umm... yeah... So i'm on a weekend long search for a record player and some really cool records... like pink floyd maybe the beatles? just a small little table top player. nothing too fancy... just want to listen to some vinyl....NOW LETS COPY POKER FACE LIKE WHOA OH OH OH WHOA OH OH OH.... BUT WE PUNCH 'EM IN THE MOUTH IF THEIR NOT SARAH PALIN!... okay..... MOVING ALONG SWIFTLY!..... THIS THE PART WHERE YOUR DAD GOES OFF ON A COLD CHRISTMAS EVE TO GET SOME MORE MILK, BUT HE NEVER COMES BACK, AND SEVENTEEN YEARS LATER YOU FIND OUT HE'S HAD A WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY WITH SOME SPANISH BITCH AND HE DOSEN'T EVEN KNOW YOU'RE FUCKING NAME ANYMORE!... SHUT THE FUCK UP! *SLAP SLAP* i'm sorry....*sob* I'M MAD REALLY BAD, BUT DON'T TELL MY MOM AND DAD, PUCKER UP, KISS MY BUTT CAUSE I'M BLOODY FUCKING NUTS, HEAR THE BASS SKINNY WAIST NOW LET'S COPY POKER FACE LIKE WHOA WHOA OH OH WHOA WHOA OH OH!..... that's enough of that.... to know what the hell i'm talking about go to the player below and look for tick tok parody by midnight beast....