Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the hippie movement in a closet.

so if you haven't noticed yet, i've given up hope on beda... but i shall redeem myself this august with vlog every day in august! its gonna happen... so yeah... i'm really not up to much... just kinda sitting at home, in a little discomfort because mother nature decided after two months that this week was the week she was going to hate me... guess how i'm not going to find out i'm pregnant! when i miss a period.... because i'm sure the other symptoms will kick in before i realize that it's been like four months since my last period... just saying... i can go like three normally.... that can't be healthy.... anyways.... moving on swiftly... sitting at home waiting for a twelve minute vlog to upload... but don't worry it's not all me talking... speaking of swift... did you know taylor swift is from pennsylvania? did you know i can spell pennsylvania? because until like two days ago... i didn't... oh well... i can't name all the states... or the presidents... because i'm awesome and really..... why do i need to know all the names of all the presidents? how am i going to advance in life knowing that? and i mean like normal day to day life? so this weekend, i bought the sims 3 and kinda overdid it... and right now i should really be balancing my check book... but i'm to pre-occupied with this video that is taking forever to upload... life can really suck sometimes... oh something else of interest that happened to me this weekend... i had a dream about micky dolenz... it went something like this...
katie, claire and i all really wanted to time travel, so we all made deals with the devil and he gave us the power to time travel with one warning that we weren't to get involved in the times we went to in any way at all. so the first place i visit is l.a. in the late 60's, because i want to experience the hippie movement, but because i'm new at it, i don't really know where i send myself and i end up in micky dolenz hallway closet... when he opens the door and i fall out. so then he questions why i'm in his closet and i tell him i don't know, and ask him where i am and he tells me everything i need to know, like the date and the location. but the he want's to take me to get something to eat. so i let him and we grow close and fall in love. but of course the devil finds out and tries to pull us apart and we escape for a little while until he finally  catches us. then he tells me that i will either go back to my time, keep my power and never see micky again, or he'll take me back to hell with him and either way he was going to erase me from micky's memory. but micky, wouldn't have that so he made a deal that if he could keep his memory of me and i could still have my freedom, that he would pledge his soul to the devil. of course not knowing that the devil had plans to take him then and there. so then katie claire and i go on a rescue mission. and we find him and then prove to the devil that he will never be stronger than love and that we don't need him to time travel after all. and then i become mrs. micky dolenz and we live happily ever after. the end...