Monday, April 11, 2011

I accept my punishment like now...

i really suck at this blog everyday in April stuff... in my defense i was distracted by these four guys... okay well mainly this one... that would be mike nesmith if you didn't know... and next to George Harrison.... yeah.... he's my backwards petifile crush... basically meaning i have a huge crush on him but he's like 50 years older than me... no really... he was born in 1942... at least he's alive and you can't say i'm an aspiring necrophiliac with him... unlike george.... ummm.... anyways.... this blog has turned really awkward..... but you'll never guess what i find most attractive about mike... or at least about his appearance.... his side burns.... yes... i'm completely serious.... their sexy.... not to mention his texan accent and his folky singing voice... and there's just this aura i get from him... yes i get auras with out meeting the person... but like you'd have known that i haven't met him... any ways... that's the reason i didn't blog yesterday and i fully except any punishment which i'll do in video form and post to youtube and then link on here... so yeah.... umm... what else can i really talk about with out going into details about my crush on mike nesmith.... so yeah..... we're just going to stop now... plus i actually have a vlog that i need to finish editing... so i'm going to go finish that and maybe get started on another video... kay bye!