Saturday, April 2, 2011

Darren Criss Is The Animal Inside Of You And You Know It!

so right now before we get started with april 2nd, i was listening to the across the universe version of hey jude and you know the part where joe anderson screams? well whilst listening to this song i was looking through pictures of darren criss (idky?) and i clicked for the next picture and this  came up at that part of the song.... not even kidding it made my day so much better... any ways today hasn't really been all too intresting. I mean i continued my search for a record player to no avail and then made a vlog which i have yet to edit... oh i bought a darren criss t-shirt and poster... which i'm excited for!!! so yeah really not much to talk about today... but this beda thing doesn't say how long the blogs have to be every day so really this is good... i mean there's a really good picture of darren criss in this so i think that that's all it needs... so yeah.... what am i  going to title this.... something that's going to make you have to read it... and having to do with darren criss... hmmm..... okay i've got it! So as soon as my sister leaves for work i'm going to go get a pizza... just for me! I'd have already gone, but as I was getting ready earlier she called and asked if i wanted any thing from arby's, which i hate, and I didn't wanna be all like 'no but i'm gonna go get a pizza and eat it by myself and you can't have any of it... so i guess i need to just wait till she's gone and go get pizza... and maybe some arizona iced tea... or root beer... a whole two litter that i'll down in one night... yes i do get how unheathly all of this sounds... and right now... no i don't really care... I'm in that kind of a mood where I just want what I want when I want it... so back to Arby's... I worked there for four days after high school... and it was the worst four days of my life... every day i came home i felt like i had jumped into a vat of oil and i smelled like french fries... not something i want to smell like ya know... and then on my last day i made two mistakes at the registar.... mind you this was only my fourth day and they never even trained me... and the manager pulled me aside and told me that it wasn't working and that fast food wasn't for everyone and that he'd give me a good refrence if i needed it... first off... I WORKED THERE FOR FOUR FUCKING DAYS! YOU NEVER FUCKING TRAINED ME!!! AND YOU WONDER WHY IT'S NOT WORKING?!?!? secondly... WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT YOU'RE REFRENCE WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY WORK ETHIC?!?!?!?! basicly i've never once put that down on any of my job appications since i've worked there... I refuse to adimit that it was a job... but at least they weren't like the chinese restuant.... who payed me cash for my two days of working there... and they didn't even pay me the right amount. i worked nine hours at minimun wage and they paid me twenty bucks... really i'm pretty sure that's not right... wow... i love how i started off saying this wasn't going to be long... and now it's pretty long...