Tuesday, April 5, 2011

need to get my head out of my ass...

so i realized something today.... i hate my job... and by this time next year i would really like to ya kno... not be in it... i'd kinda like my youtube career to take off within like a month or two... which really means i need to get my ass in gear and start pumping out some good videos that people will actually like... i may have to do some research.... see some of my fave's first videos and get insperation... also if i'm going to be a sucessful youtube musician... i need to get some music... and probably improve a bit on my talent.... oh boy do i have some work to do... i also need to stop being so damn shy on camera... and more like the real me that i know and well katie and katie... actually you don't even know the real real me... i'm shy even around you... and i need to stop that... in genral... so what am i going to do? stop making videos like this and more videos like this(just go in the order i put them....)