Monday, March 7, 2011

Beatles Blasphemy!!!

So i got off of work extreamly early today. Like quitting time is 5:00 pm and we got back to the office at about 11 am! I work for molly maids and it's an okay job... can't say i want to do it for the rest of my life, but it's a job that pays money. And good money at that. I make 18% of each house I clean... so it's good.... oh mi god my dog needs to stop whineing! I mean seriously! You're only in here because you wouldn't stop barking at the guys fixing the furnace! So it's you're own damn fault!
All day today i've been listening to the Wicked soundtrack. In English, German and Japanese! Because I can. And now that i'm home all I want to listen to is John/Sean Lennon. If you've never heard Sean sing, i have two songs by him in my player thing a ma bob! Is it bad that I wasn't expecting him to sing good? That should be Beatles blasphemy! Then again... I didn't expect Dhani Harrison to be able to play guitar as good as he can... now considering who his dad is, that is Beatles blasphemy!
So now i'm just laying here on my bed, typing away on Lappy Mc'Fail-Suck the American Version(that's my name for my laptop... I kinda stole it from Liam Dryden. Basiclly, I have a PC.... I want a Mac!) Listening to some One Republic... and i'm really hungry... I didn't eat breakfast though so that probablly doesn't help me too much.