Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Was Born This Way.... dammit!

  So today at work, we were in our first house, which was just plain nasty! And this was not the first time our company had cleaned it. So the two girls training me and I basicly worked our asses off because we thought that our boss was coming to quality check it. He didn't. But as I was dusting out in the living room, I picked up a quartz rock to try and dust it off. Then, it slipped out of my hands and went through the glass table insert... 0.0 I was just compleatly confounded. I couldn't belive that that had just happened. Luckily, the owner wasn't too worried about the glass, just what was on the table, like the rock, which was $80, and an antique candle holder, which was her great grandmothers. So after I picked up all the glass I checked everything and it all seemed to be fine until, I notice a giant chip in the candle holder. So we told her we would do what we could to replace it.
  In our last house I got put in the kitchen, and that... was... horrible... seriously this kitchen was as messy as our garage.... and our garage is clean for a garage... but for a kitchen to be that dirty... is just horrible.
  And would you like to know the best part of all of this? I'm sick.... I was sneezing and sniffleing and coughing all day and the chemicals and the dust made it so much worse... and now that i'm home and sitting here... i'm realizing just how bad it is... cause now I ache from working too...