Monday, March 7, 2011

Heating and Cooling Guy Of Epicness or Stupidity

So I was just sitting here a few minutes ago and I had my shades up to let in some light because I need some vitaman D.(only reasong I could ever call myselfe a vampire... I love to be in the dark...) and i'm just sitting there customizin and stuff, when all of the sudden I see some movement outside my window. (BACK STORY TIME: My bedroom is on the back of the house and my very back wall is half window... so I can see our entire backyard including out deck.) So I turn to see what it is. And all of a sudden this blurry blob of person jumps off our deck and into the flower bed bellow. At first I didn't know what I had just seen. Then I thought I might be going crazy... so I look out my window down there and sure enough, one of the guys installing our new furnace had jumped off our deck and was stading down on the patio bellow... I'm pretty sure it's not professional to jump off decks while on duty, but I could be wrong. All I know is that guy is either pretty epic, pretty stupid... or maybe a little bit of both.... on the plus side... we have a nice new furnace that will work now!