Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sam & Hannah

 This is a really short funny story I wrote Junior year about two of my friends and it's really cute. So I thought I'd share it with ya! Enjoy!

     One summer day at the retierment home, one of the nurses made a big mistake. Whilest setting up for one of the residents birthday party she left a can of silly string out. Now this would be all fine and dandy, if she hadn't left it in the same room as Hannah DeBanne and Sam Levalley. Hannah and Sam had been friends for a long time and were very fond of eachother. But Hannah had a bad habit of tourturing Sam with silly sting. So when Hannah noticed the nurse's mistake, she took the silly string and said to Sam,
     "Sam, do you remember choir class sophmore year?"
     "Yes, I do. Oh we had so many fun times that year. Speaking of, isn't Chelsea coming to visit us today?"
     "Yes, I think she is. But Sam, do you remember what I used to do to you in that class?"
     "Molest my leg?" Sam asked.
     "No that was you... But maybe this will jog you're memory?" she held up the can of silly string and Sam Yelped.
     "Ahhh.... Silly string!!" she screamed and hurried off on her power scooter.
     "Come back here Sam!" Hannah Said as she chased after her in her power chair. As the chase began, the began to go in a circle. After about an hour of this I walked in the room. They stopped and looked at me.
     "Don't let me stop you." I said. "I mean, have I ever?" They shrugged their shoulders and continued to go in a circle until their batteries ran out, which meant that Hannah had won and poor Sam, got covered in silly string.