Wednesday, March 9, 2011


  So I just realized that I start every blog with the word "So"... I really don't have any clue why I do this... it just kinda happens.... I'm pretty sure I start conersations off like that too.
  Anyways...... Here's the longest about me ever.... minus you know if I were to write an auotobiography.... hmmm.... maybe one day I'll do that.....  here it goes!

       I grew up in a fairly small town in the middle of Michigain. And unlike my brother and sister, I went to the same school district from kindergarten through graduation.... I would include preschool.... but I went to a Lutheran based preschool.... I'M NOT EVEN A LUTHERAN!!!!! My brother and sister are actually half siblings, we have different dad's. Their's they actually knew... mine, was a heroine addict and left my mom, pregnent, with my sister and his three kids to go on a week long binge.... when my mom found out and when he finnally came back, she kicked him out... and a little while after I was born, she met my "dad".
         Alot can be said about Bill Thomas... but there's only one word I can use to describe him.... Fucking Asshole...... okay that was two words.... but what ever... 1st...... instead of adopting me, he lied in a court of law and said that he was my biological father... 2nd.... within the first year of his marige to my mom, he got arrested for trying to pick up a hooker... 3rd..... the entire twelve years he was married to my mom, he was cheating on her with his second wife, my mom was his third. 4th..... at the begining of the divorce, he had joint custody of me and called the cops on me because I didn't want to go with him one night. and that was the last time I ever saw him.
           On a happier note, we went on with our lives. I went to middle school and made lots of friends.... like Katie and Kate(kate follows me... hi! =P) and Whitney.... and Sam and Shelby.... oh those two are a whole other blog in genral.... but basiclly, Sam was a psychopathic freak.... what I remember of her is that she liked to dress like a slob/goth, she liked mean bunny... or what ever that thing was.... and she adored Chad Micheal Murry... and Shelby.... Shelby was a huge drama queen.... and extreamlly clingy.... seriously.... I don't know how to describe that in more depth.... but basicaly I had to just stop talking to her because she was sufficating me.... and sure that may not have been the best way to stop a relationship.... but I'm bad at that kind of stuff.... and that is not an excuss... so hate me for it... I was fifteen.... my relationship skills sucked.
            So then highschool came along... and Sam Moved and eventually so did Shelby. Katie and I really got to kno eachother by walking to class together... even though homeroom in middle school was the only class we've ever had together... ever! Kate and I grew a bit two... but we became better freinds sophmore year when I rejoined band.... oh yeah... I was in band for six years... not including freshmen year... I quit it for choir... which I quit for band the next year.... I'll explain all that in the next paragraph. But then junior year I had enough of math and science(and wasn't requiered to take any more to graduate) and I could have both plus french! then senior year... I droped history and wanted to take on a second choir class but because band conflicted with my second choir class, I couldn't be in it. And instead of dropping me down a choir.... I got put in the only extra(so can't think of the real name for this) class I had....German 1. So now not only did I have band, choir, and french, I now had german... and drama.... oh and then second semester... I had all my gen ed requierments complete so for a whole semester all I had were elective courses... of course instead of compostion like I was going to take, I had the choice of Auto shop and Fashion... I took fashion.
               So I said I'd explain the whole band and choir switching thing. Well in fourth grade, I was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome. It's a form of autism. I have a very weak form of it and I've even outgrown it a little bit. If you want to learn more about it, I've found that the wikapedia page for it actually describes it pretty well. So because of this, I always had to take special ed classes... just english and a study hour.... the english wasn't so bad, but study skills was the worst.... because basicaly what you had to do was any homework you needed to do... and I don't know why but I just cannot do homework in school... unless it's due that day... in which I don't even remember it until that class and I rush through it before class starts. So because of this class, I could only have one elective, and up until freshmen year, it was band.... but then I wanted to join choir.... but I couldn't do both... so I chose choir... and all of freshmen year I wished that I had been able to do both... so the time came to choose classes for sophmore year... and I tried to do both again... but failed again... so because of the gym waver you got for being in band for three consecutive years, I quit choir for the year, with hopes that I would return my junior year. And thanks to the fact that my class was only required two years of math and science to graduate, I was able to not only take both band and choir but also a foreign language and still take study skills.... until halfway through the year when I was seriously so bored in that class because I had nothing to do that I asked if I could quit it, and to my pleasure, I could! And I did... and I took heath... just so I didn't have to senior year...
           And now that I've graduated high school, I've just been trying to discover myself. I've had five jobs so far, the fifth being the one I currently have. I worked at Arby's for four days... got fired because "I wasn't cut out for the job." or the manager was a self absorbed SOB. I worked at a mall in Livonia as a Santa's Helper (not elf) for the season, also I worked at a koney island for about four months... then got a job at a chinese resturant... that lasted for two days.... then I got the job at molly maid and quit those two.
            And that is my story... or as much as I could give you without going into intense and boring detail.... because I deffinetly could do that.... I'm not entierly sure where my life is going, hopefully somewhere in acting and/or singing.... but all I know is who my true freinds are.... God is good.... and I'm going to keep on being myself! And nobody.... in all of Oz.... no wizard that ther is or was..... is ever gonna bring.... me....DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and there I go breaking into song again.....)